Website Services

If you do not have a website for your business you are missing out on a massive PR opportunity. Its an old cliche but a website is a window into your transport operation. Throw it wide open and welcome people in.

Having a website is a little like owning your own socket set. A socket set makes changing the spark plugs on your own car a lot easier. But, its not going to change them for you right?

Your company website is your tool chest, within which are the tools you should be using to undertake your company communications strategy, should one actually exist?

On there you should have a Home page, an About Us page, a Careers page, and last but by no means least, a Contact Us page? I can imagine you doing a mental check list as your read those web page components so how did yours check out? All good?

Unfortunately having them isn’t enough. You need to be using them. Regularly.

It is super important to keep all of your content up to date on your website. Not only to keep your customers, or job applicants well-informed but to show search engines that your website it still active and relevant.

    • It pays to review your website regularly, to see if there are any opportunities to update, add or expand any content areas.

Don’t have a website? Or, don’t have a regular person to update and maintain it? Lets talk?
