
There is a lot more involved with recruiting HGV truck drivers for your transport operation, than simply posting an advert on your favourite facebook page. Which is in itself, a path fraught with pitfalls.

Social Media
When the prices for the available talent jumped during lockdown, agencies were paying up to £30 an hour? A price which in todays market, seems other-worldly? Yet according to the grand a week brigade, who will soon infest your innocent job ad with their rubbish, that should be the going rate? And they will tell anyone who will listen that you are paying to low. Right?

Eventually the job ad is forgotten and you end up arguing with some faceless keyboard warrior, about terms & conditions for a job he or she isn’t even interested in? Stress, you could do without.

Job Sites
Job sites like indeed and Monster are so full of agency work its hard to get yourself heard amongst all the background noise. So unless your job ad is within 10 miles of the job searcher, its unlikely to gain much traction.

New Year New Formula
Insanity its said, is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results. What we need is something new. Something different.
