
This is perhaps the most important facet for a new recruit. Having someone they can call to ask for help or advice in the early days.

Its the new driver. He has a problem apparently?
Mentoring new staff is a laborious task for the traffic admin who has 40 other truck drivers to plan for. More often than not the request is something mundane and run of the mill, like a trailer dropped to high so unable to couple up? Or even worse they’ve overshot the pin and now can’t get the unit back out?

For the new recruit this is the worst phone call to have to make. He or she doesn’t know you? Has no relationship with you? Apart from this.

It can be enough to make them throw the towel in before they’ve even started. Which is unnecessary and expensive, in terms of time and money.

But if 6AM have recruited and trained the driver that relationship is on stable ground and rather than do more damage trying to remove the unit, having a mentor on the end of the phone, who can explain how to get out of the situation they find themselves in, can be a massive help.

If we can mentor them through the first week or two they should have enough knowledge to move on from there.
