Is your business Mobile ready?

Whatever you’re spending to advertise your business in non digital advertising and recruitment, cut the budget in half and spend that half on local search optimisation instead, AKA Local SEO. It will pay back in spades later.

When the Internet came into being it was quickly recognised as a means for marketing any product to any destination in the world.

How does that help a small local florist in Anytown?

Over the years Internet use has evolved fast. Once the domain of the blue chip’s who had the global markets to use global reach? Today its the smaller, local enterprises who are cashing in.


*97% of smartphone users have searched online to find a local business.
*Around 82% of smartphone users will use a search engine first when searching for a product, service or job.
*A mind boggling 76% of all searches are seeking local information.

What that means is, with over 71.8 million smartphones in use here in the UK (according to Uswitch, 4.2 million more than the UK population), its fair to say if your business is not visible on page 1 of a local mobile search, sadly you are out of the game my friend.

By 2023 Google estimates local search will generate $1.9Tr in new business annually. Increasing year on year.

Thats not to say a local business can’t survive on word of mouth allied to great customer service alone. Because we know it can?

In terms of sustainability though? If one business is receiving 10x more phone calls than its nearest competitor its easy to see which business has the best chance of success?

The Best Bit?
The Internet doesn’t know you, nor does it care about you personally. So you, and every other business working locally in your niche, have an equal chance of grabbing vast swathes of market share. Low hanging, ripe fruit for the picking.

You the business owner just need to ensure your chance is ‘more equal’ than anyone else’s, by investing in Local Search Optimisation, and for whichever locale you choose.

Whilst at the same time co-joining all of your digital assets to ensure they are all singing from the same hymn sheet. With daily, fresh, unique, on topic content.

Whilst at the same time making sure your Google Business listings all pass muster. This last part matters hugely.

But getting to the top of a Google search is only half the job. We must then create a steady stream of on topic communications covering all or any of your social media channels. All the while funnelling new visitors to your website.

Allied to regular website updates its this overall ‘social’ output which keeps you at the top. Google loves it and rewards it accordingly in the search rankings.

The young ladies in the picture are your business contacts of tomorrow. THIS is how business takes place in the digital age.

Its no mystery or dark art. Simply by following some time served steps you can make sure your Google listings are not only competing, but are also winning on your behalf in 2023.

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