Tramping: You Don’t Know What You Need Until You Need It

Its a fact of life borne out by the many posts you will find on facebook, which go along the following lines;

      • “I’ve just started my first tramping job and I wasn’t really sure what I need to pack to take with me”?

Its a common occurrence, and its only with a thought back to a dim and distant past, when I first started tramping, do I remember the trepidation with which I set off on my first days as a long distance truck driver.

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Citations. What are they and what do they do..?

Citations: The importance and the objective of ..

Having a good network of Citations for your small business will help propel your web presence up the local search rankings surprisingly fast.

If you are setting up a web presence, either for a new business? Or perhaps an established one? One of things we can all agree on right off the bat is the need to get registered in Google as quickly as possible.

When deciding where to put your business in the index, Google looks at a host of different metrics. Including Location, Industry Category etc etc.

Once these facts are deduced Google wants to know how far and wide your name is spread through internet land? To do this, it sends its indexing robots off looking for and comparing Citations.

In simple terms a Citation is an instance on another webpage, (yell, companies house, Thompson Local, certain business directories etc) where your NAP details (Name Address & Phone) match what Google has on file.

At this stage its worth pointing out the importance of getting this right.

If your NAP reads like this on your Google My Business entry….

South Wales Widgets
123 Any Street
AN12 3YT
….but one of your Citations reads like this….

South Wales Widgets
Any Street
AN12 3YT
….then it doesn’t count. The match has to be exact.

Splitting hairs? Perhaps, but for those who follow this rule to the letter of the law the rewards can be great?

Simply put? Most don’t bother about manual Citations. Its laborious and time consuming.

What that means is in many instances local search is ripe fruit, low hanging and ready for picking.

So take advantage? Set up a good network of Citations or, if you don’t have the time have someone do them for you?

The investment will pay back in spades.

Is your business Mobile ready?

Whatever you’re spending to advertise your business in non digital advertising and recruitment, cut the budget in half and spend that half on local search optimisation instead, AKA Local SEO. It will pay back in spades later.

When the Internet came into being it was quickly recognised as a means for marketing any product to any destination in the world.

How does that help a small local florist in Anytown?

Over the years Internet use has evolved fast. Once the domain of the blue chip’s who had the global markets to use global reach? Today its the smaller, local enterprises who are cashing in.


Continue reading “Is your business Mobile ready?”

Increase your SEO catch – The Trawler Method

Chatting to a taxi operator in Oxfordshire and he explained to me the company had regular business into the City of London and he would love to be able to pick something up back towards Oxfordshire and beyond via pre-book?

So I wheeled out the old trawler analogy. When a trawler wants to catch more fish they attach bigger nets and set off for distant fisheries?


I used it to illustrate to him what’s possible if you show some creative marketing flair?

“Sell your own service coming out of London” says me?

Continue reading “Increase your SEO catch – The Trawler Method”