
Welcome to 6 Axle Media, AKA 6AM.

So what exactly is 6AM?

6AM has been created to answer some of the many problems transport operators are facing with regards to recruitment, as well as creating social strategies designed from the ground up to earn their corn. With measurable key performance indicators.

Social Media

Posting job ads across social networks can expose your brand way beyond the reach of the traditional printed press. A carefully drafted tweet can be visited by 10,000 pairs of eyes in just an hour or two. With the strategic use of of the right hash tags it can continue performing for days and weeks on your behalf.

But unlike print media which is a 1-way transaction, digital media is a 2-way street, in which digital consumers expect to be able to give their opinions? And regardless of whether they are actually interested in the job? Or not?

Normally with distasteful outcomes.

How many times have you seen an inoffensive job ad thread turn into a crap-fest by the time the ‘grand a week’ brigade have paraded through it?

Its gotten so bad a lot of companies are wondering if its worth the hassle?

I’m here to tell you yes it is! We just have to do things a little differently.

That’s where 6AM comes in.