Facebook Backloads Mailing List Creation Laden with Pitfalls

If you are looking to create a mailing list for road hauliers seeking return loads?

What you don’t want to do is ask people to post an email address right there on whichever facebook group you happen to be asking on? Its asking for trouble. Both for the original poster and also with the page or group admins. Yep, the ramifications (as well as the liability) can spread that far.

On May 25, 2018 the new GDPR rules came into being and this created a legally enforced responsibility for those of us who deal with personal information, such as email addresses, to store and use them within the confines of the GDPR framework? Or risk legal issues later.

For a definitive explanation of GDPR check out;

For an example of a far more elegant (and perhaps more importantly, a GDPR compliant) solution, check out 6axlemedia.com/backloads.

If you would like to deploy a similar solution, to keep you GDPR compliant, drop us a line. Lets chat.

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