Tramping: You Don’t Know What You Need Until You Need It

Its a fact of life borne out by the many posts you will find on facebook, which go along the following lines;

      • “I’ve just started my first tramping job and I wasn’t really sure what I need to pack to take with me”?

Its a common occurrence, and its only with a thought back to a dim and distant past, when I first started tramping, do I remember the trepidation with which I set off on my first days as a long distance truck driver.

The list of things you ‘need’ invariably grows with the passage of the years and it becomes an unspoken list which you can soon recount from memory. Eventually your wife can pack for you to go away.

But when you first start? Its a bit of a mystery right?

With this in mind we will bring you a regular recommendations list of trinkets and gadgets you might need for your truck even though you don’t even know you need them right now.

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